Detroit Marinas Excavation and Resiliency Project

Reviving the local economy with a more dependable lake season.

Marion County and our community partners have been hard at work supporting our constituents in the Santiam Canyon who were affected by the 2020 wildfires. This collaborative effort not only aims to create economic and community benefits but also support wildlife and their habitats. As part of the effort to rebuild, we want to invite you to learn more about the Detroit Marinas Excavation and Resiliency Project and to stay up to date as we advance to Phase 2 of this initiative.

Moving forward with community-supported Alternative 2 - Osprey Point Peninsula.

In Spring 2023, Marion County presented three site concepts for how the excavated material from the marinas might be used to build new benefits for the community and wildlife. We asked the community to review and share their feedback on which alternative they preferred and heard a strong preference for Alternative 2. Taking this preference into account, along with factors such as environmental and habitat benefits, construction feasibility, and access advantages, the Marion County Board of Commissioners decided to move forward with Alternative 2.

The project is on schedule and currently in Phase 2, which includes engineering and permitting. Phase 3 will involve construction, expected to begin after the 2025 boating season and be completed in Spring 2026.

You can find a list of answers to frequently asked questions we received on this project.

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